Saturday, November 17, 2007

Ipod Touch

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Been dreaming of buying the Ipod Touch for my birthday...but turned out, the "hari raya" money I've been trying to save since day 1 is all gone. i sort of considered the provision shops as my piggy bank; where i spent my money almost on everything. this year has not been a good year either. my sa2 results aren't that satisfying. so no point asking my parents for money. but i really wan it uh...
so, i've made a pledge to myself that i'll try my outmost best to save as much money possible. or maybe try asking for money.

But partly the reason i wan it so badly is cuz i love using my finger to touch screens & stuff. it sort of makes me happy. i know is kind of a lame reason but while listening to songs, u'd really wanna have fun choosing the song too.
the features are also quite best uh. many2 until cannot say.

my wish***
Get an Ipod touch....
easiest way; work hard


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