Wednesday, September 3, 2008

cats in heat

Furby(me pet cat) is in heat again. This is the second time throughout her life. It's seriously weird to sorta have a sex maniac in the house. She making really weird sounds too. Then i got curious and decided to do some research. Furby is actually going through heat cycles in her stage of her life.

Heat Cycles in Cats

Once a female cat reaches puberty, she becomes a queen, and estrus - sometimes spelled "oestrus" (heat) - cycles will start. In domestic cats heat cycles run generally from January through August, depending on location and climate.

Until she mates or is spayed("sunat"), these estrus cycles will repeat as often as every two or three weeks, causing distress to both the queen and her human companions. During these cycles, Queenie's entire focus will be on escaping the house to mate, or to mate with a male companion, if you are careless enough to have whole males in the same household. She will be single-minded in her need to mate, will loudly vocalize (call), and lurk near doors, just waiting for the chance to meet up with one of the noisy feline Romeos who will cluster near your house, fighting for the privilege of impregnating your queen.

If this was taught in biology, I'd been interested (:

This is a video taken of the last time Furby was in heat.

Cameraman: me
Sound Effects: Asyiqin
Err..: Atiqah

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