Finally did my subject selection thingy. And it was a disaster. Switched on the computer at 4pm (I know very last minute) and I got a little distracted playing Spider Solitaire. So, then I tried to log in to the subject selection thing and guess what?? I couldn't! rghh! So tried and tried and tried and tried again and again and still couldn't. Then I wanted to use my brother's internet since his internet is so much better and (faster). But he didn't let me. I was so annoyed la. I had very little time left and he was so selfish. So, I tried to call Atiqah to help me do the subject selection. And she didn't pick up. Had to call 9 times b4 she called me back (I'm impatient,what can i say?) Then she was able to log in. wth. I actually haven't really chosen what combination to take and she asked to me to faster. Under all that pressure, I may have made a bad decision by taking the 8-subject combination. Die le. I chose 2a as my 1st choice. But thanks Atiqah!(: .My mother forced me to take the 8 subjects one la. She wanted me to take triple science. Siao ah! That's where Jermyn will be and like I got chance like that. Texted Sakinah and she say she took 3a as her first choice. I was like, "Oh man...why???" Oh well, there's nothing I can do now except wait...Hopefully I'll get the combination that I truly can handle and enjoy.
"I love you, Paramost !"Buy our album...Coming out soon in stores that u never thought existed.
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