Sunday, January 18, 2009

school and hp

my father just gave me his old hp after he bought a new one...not sure wat brand but it's expensive. i think this is the 2nd time he is passing down his phone to me...ya...just leave the second hand to me. I'm not complaining though. at least it has a camera phone...i'm still not used to the fact that i have a camera phone. my (past)phones has always been the kinds the army ppl have one..

So far, school is okay. Just that the food is really expensive and my allowance is still the same. And moving around and going up very high storeys after every lesson is very tiring. syf trainings have been really torturing wk gt audition some american idol liddat...but this one tougher..

And Atiqah, dun be upset abt the $50 anymore alright. maybe ni mmg petunjuk (chey..mcm ustazah)..petunjuk not to mintak interests. hopefully you'll get back ur $50 in one way or another

this is rest assured, it isn't true.


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