I was really contemplating whether to blog or not.. but then Nana told me to.. So yea, this is dedicated to you. Hahah.. ;)
Since I don't really know what to blog about, i shall talk about totally random stuff.
Currently, I'm enjoying my mini holiday.. the extended weekend. Heehee..
A lot of friends are passionate on making the holiday a productive one. me? I'm just chillin' :)
Malas lah.. i shouldn't be though. but whatever.
Done by JJ photog club ^^
It's like our new lepak room.. it's sucha great improvement from the old, dusty mcs room.
The best part is the aircon. coooool somemore can solat there! Woohoo!
i think one flaw is that the door and window is transparent. people can totally see what we doing inside. now cannot do illegal stuff already :((
On Friday, we carried some stuff from the old mcs room to transfer into the new one.
got malay language scrabble, congkak and some other stuff..
played congkak with hazimah and failed miserably. we totally clueless. Inilah namenya budak melayu Singapura.. congkak pun tak reti main. hahaha
then we played mly scrabble, but since my malay cmi, hazimah gimme chan by playing english. heehe.. but it was a failure also.
k la enough bout mcs room.
yesterday, i met up with bffs to celebrate atiqah's belated 17th!
it was so naise to see them again :)
at jp banquet. after we iftar-ed.
we were trying to imitate this pic.. sweet kan?? hahaha
we hung out at Sak's place for a bit and went back to JP to get some stuff. It felt like hari raya going to her house. Hope to see you girls again ~~~ <3
~ k i had to throw the rubbish.. now, i'm back ~
so what was i talking bout? according to my clock, 15 mins to buke! yay but by the time i post this, it's alr buke.. cuz i take forever to finish blogging. too many distractions.
Nana texted me whether wanna watch fireworks.. err.. a bit random eh. hahahaha fireworks so coooool.. seee first k, nana ^^
Currently, I'm enjoying my mini holiday.. the extended weekend. Heehee..
A lot of friends are passionate on making the holiday a productive one. me? I'm just chillin' :)
Malas lah.. i shouldn't be though. but whatever.

It's like our new lepak room.. it's sucha great improvement from the old, dusty mcs room.
The best part is the aircon. coooool somemore can solat there! Woohoo!
i think one flaw is that the door and window is transparent. people can totally see what we doing inside. now cannot do illegal stuff already :((
On Friday, we carried some stuff from the old mcs room to transfer into the new one.
got malay language scrabble, congkak and some other stuff..
played congkak with hazimah and failed miserably. we totally clueless. Inilah namenya budak melayu Singapura.. congkak pun tak reti main. hahaha
then we played mly scrabble, but since my malay cmi, hazimah gimme chan by playing english. heehe.. but it was a failure also.
k la enough bout mcs room.
yesterday, i met up with bffs to celebrate atiqah's belated 17th!
it was so naise to see them again :)

we hung out at Sak's place for a bit and went back to JP to get some stuff. It felt like hari raya going to her house. Hope to see you girls again ~~~ <3
~ k i had to throw the rubbish.. now, i'm back ~
so what was i talking bout? according to my clock, 15 mins to buke! yay but by the time i post this, it's alr buke.. cuz i take forever to finish blogging. too many distractions.
Nana texted me whether wanna watch fireworks.. err.. a bit random eh. hahahaha fireworks so coooool.. seee first k, nana ^^
i've been obsessed with this song by CB.. so sweet la sei..
you know the feeling when u regret telling the person how u feel.. but u can't anymore cuz of certain circumstances? well, I don't. Hahahah i'm so lame.
k la i should prolly help my momma prepare the table
till next time ~~
Love, fuzzy wuzzy <3
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