Saturday, February 22, 2014

work school work

oh hey it's 3 am right now and i'm on here on my bed with my laptop and decided to blog!!! oh yeayy
it's been quite a while. it's 2014 now! And I'm 20 already. oh gosh where did the time go??
3rd semester in my diploma programme. 2 more to go and I'm finally starting on that degree hahaha 
i've been working quite often at fullerton hotel as a waitress or smth.. which is smth i never though i'd ever do lol
I don't hate it but i don't necessarily enjoy serving people that much and pretending like i give a fuck, but 2 to 3 times a week- i'm good.
"Uni" life has pretty much sucked. mainly cuz i miss my jc mates so much. it's a lot harder to make friends here. or maybe its just the programme i'm in. oh wells.. 
I have friends lah but since we don't spend much time together, there's not much class bonding that takes place.
ok so what has changed since i turned 20? I'm a lot wiser.. lol no who am kidding i'm still a naive kid... maybe less heh

my madrasah place for the past 12 yrs is shutting down cuz of the ridiculous rent. so tmr is the last lesson there. and they're moving to ar raudhah next week onwards. i guess it's a good thing cuz i'll be visiting the mosque more often now:) but still...gonna miss that place.. many bittersweet memories:')

I wish I had a more interesting life. but I don't.
